Rounds at Sole Freedom

Interdisciplinary rounds for lower extremity health professionals hosted at Sole Freedom from 6:30 - 7:30pm.

A place to share cases, discuss best practices and connect with other local professionals. Limited to 12 pros per session, each session has a focal topic for discussion.

Attendees must be Lower Extremity Health Professionals which we define as any individual whose primary profession is helping individuals restore natural function.

This includes (but isn't limited to) the following specialties: Personal Trainer, Movement Coach, Medical Doctor, Orthopedic Surgeon, Physiotherapist, Kinesiologist, Podiatrist, Reflexologist, Chiropractor, Osteopathic Doctor, Yoga Instructor, Running Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Massage Therapy.


Upcoming sessions

November 21 - Bunions

December 12 - Lower Extremity Intake survey review

January 16 - Knee Osteoarthritis

February 20  - Ankle mobility (re-scheduled from Feb 13 due to snowstorm)

March 13 - Ankle & Hip mobility


Future topics:

Running injuries

Hallux Rigidus

Achilles tendinopathy





Knee OA

  • Load distribution (hips, knees, ankles)
  • Healing as a process
  • Wellness culture that includes mind, body, spirit
  • Impact of food, especially sugar consumption
  • Impact of time spent chair sitting
  • Quad dominance (shoes and chairs)
  • Impact of ramped footwear creating knee dominance
  • Organ connection with small intestine
  • Imaging vs symptom presentation. Symptom free degenerative joint changes 
  • Lack of Physicality and physical culture (influences: school, parents, friends)


Ankle Hypomobility

  • Natural vs. Unnatural range of motion
  • KTW, resting squat as a screen
  • Root causes of limited DF
  • Consequences of limited DF